The Cell Phone

Jun. 1, 2017

The Cell Phone

Cell Phones:

They’re sleek, sexy and stylish and come in an array of colours and sizes to fit your lifestyle as neatly as they fit into your pockets. Most people own them for their fashion sense, others, as a luxury item. Some, because they cannot leave home without them while others think of them as a status symbol. Whatever your reasons for owning one, there’s no denying it, they make quite a conversation piece. Yep! Love it or hate it, the cell phone has become a pop-culture phenomenon that has taken over the world by storm and is here to stay! It’s the new gateway to Star Trek heaven! 

 911 at your fingertip:

The cell phone is like an artery to the daily activities in most people’s lives. Business people depend on it. Parents stay in touch with their children with it. Friendships are made by them and in some cases…break-ups are carried out by them. They can also be a life-saver as well. There are instances where the cell phone has led rescuers and police to kidnap victims and people caught in very serious and precarious predicaments.

Brings us closer together:

The cell phone has minimized the world at the touch of a button and has brought people closer together than ever before. It’s entertainment in the palm of your hand. It has created a new generation of video gamers and music junkies. Smile, you’re on candid camera! Don’t be surprised if you ran into an amateur movie producer with his or her cell phone camera.

Don’t turn your cell phone into a weapon:

While we use the cell phone for talking and for other youthful pleasures, Naomi Campbell has found other uses for it as well. In her hands, the cell phone has become a very dangerous weapon! She puts her own spin on the cell phone by hitting people with them! If you are one of the millions of cell phone users, a word of advice, use your cell phones for the purpose for which they were intended…talking! Do not make cell phones fashionable by throwing them at people. There are consequences. The law may throw the book at you!

I can do without it…or can I?

Still, in spite of its potentials and its popularity and the convenience of having an emergency alert system right in your pocket, it may surprise you to know, I personally do not like the cell phone nor do I own one. Life’s a lot simpler for me without them. That may change, however, when and if I have a valid reason for owning one. Honestly, I think the cell phone is the most intrusive piece of electronic device ever invented! What's your take on the cell phone?


I now own a cell phone.


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