The Renovation

This collection was like an accident of the mind commonly referred to as an afterthought. I had just finished designing the kitchen & dining and was about to take a break from the computer when I got this fabulous inspiration from the old kitchen, to continue working. That is what being an artist is all about. You never start a project; the project compels you to start it. Sometimes I would hear that little voice in my head saying “draw me” or “design me” and I had no choice but to obey. It’s like I have no control. I didn’t want to miss out on this opportunity so I’ve decided to take advantage of this new idea. I thought it would be fun to design a virtual reality collection by turning this old dilapidated room into a bright, beautiful spacious space of fun! Can I say that?

Unlike in many of my others collections where you, the visitors, had the choice of selecting an image at random that you wanted to see, this collection is different. It’s important that you view all the images in this collection from 1 to 10 or from start to finish, without skipping a beat. This way you will get a better understanding of what this collection is about. This is a step-by-step process and deserves your full attention. I would not want you to miss any of it.

Join me as I take you on this crazy tour to see how I turned this once unliveable old kitchen and dining room into a 5-star property. Do you think I'm bragging? It’s sort of like a make-believe renovating journey. Let’s get started.