Social Distancing

Social Distancing


The COVID-19 pandemic (Coronavirus) has changed the world forever! It has changed attitude, people and the way we relate to each other. Behind this black cloud of death, one ugly truth is revealed! We now know who our true friends really are. While we've seen the better in some people, the caring, sharing and giving, we've also seen the worst in others! If I may be blunt, this Social Distancing experience has turned a lot of us into fools and idiots!!

I would like to give praise to the front-line workers and essential staff. These brave men and women, who could have easily said no, said "yes," by putting their safety on the line to make our lives that much easier. They are true heroes! It is times like this we know who the real heroes are.

Are we practicing SOCIAL DISTANCING or SOCIAL HATING? After all of this is over, this experience will probably leave many of us socially scarred for life! The COVID-19 pandemic has brought out the worst in some of us, the ignorance, the hate and in some cases, the racism in some people. I have personally been on the receiving end of some of these attitudes. The idea is to exercise social distancing. Not social hatred! Social Distancing without the attitude. Treat each other with the respect and the dignity they deserve. Conversely, this is not often the case. Some of us are treating others like Social Leper! Unfortunately, this is now the natural norm! At work, in neighbourhoods, on the buses, anywhere where there is a social gathering of people.

It would be nice if we could all practice social distancing with a smile. Not with the dirty look or jumping away when we see someone coming our way. Turning our backs on each other. Even on those people whom we once called our friends or once had a good rapport. At least we can be thankful for one thing. If anyone runs away from you when they see you coming, don't be offended! At the very best, they are protecting you from themselves! 

I was at work when I entered the break room kitchen. As I walked in, a woman saw me coming and jumped back. That was OK. What wasn't OK was the dirty look she gave me in the process. “Excuse me, Madam. Have I eaten your lunch?” This is a woman who at one time was very friendly towards me. Well, mark her off my list of friends after COVID-19 becomes a distant memory.  Another time, I entered the break room and sat at a table. This other woman thought I was sitting too close to her (a table designated by management) got up and went and sat at the very far corner of the room to avoid me. In these two instances, I have decided to be the grownup in the room. I refuse to match ignorance with ignorance. It makes no sense in frustrating an already frustrating situation. Have we all gone insane?

There is one exception. If someone willfully or purposely invaded your space, then you have a right to be upset and the right to defend your personal space!

One morning I met a gentleman leaving a building I was entering. He held the door open for me and greeted me with a smile, "how are you this morning?" "I'm fine, thanks. And you?" "I'm good. Take care of yourself and stay safe!" he replied. Why can't we all be like that and drop the attitude? We are all in this together. If there is one lesson to be learnt here, people are afraid of dying. The whole idea of social distancing is to protect each other. Not hating each other. Should we survive COVID-19, can we recover...SOCIALLY?

BE KIND! Kindness can be contagious. As contagious as COVID-19 itself!

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