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United States Representative

United States Representative

WOMEN: The hidden power they possess:

LIZ CHENEY: "Men are running the world and it's really not going that well!" (June 30th, 2022)

Has it ever aroused your curiosity about what the world would be like if we had more women leaders? In some societies, women are the head of the household so naturally, they have a built-in ability in taking care of family and home. Aside from being smart and educated aren't those the same requirements it takes to be a leader of people?  Why then aren't there more women Prime Ministers and Presidents?

If there were more women leaders, would we be living in peace and harmony? Would there be a need for wars or the threat of a nuclear conflict between nations? We can only assume.  Let's take a step back for a moment and see if we can uncover some hidden facts to support our curiosities.

  1. Women are mothers so naturally, they are more compassionate to the needs of others.
  2. Women are more understanding of the crisis that befalls us and are more likely to bring about a quick resolution.
  3. In most cases, they put others first.
  4. In theory, women are not arrogant and greedy as their male counterparts.

How about the men? Men are ambitious but sometimes it could be a mask. They are never satisfied. The more they get is the more they want. They have to go the distance to prove they are bigger, better, stronger and smarter. Men love a great challenge. There is nothing wrong with challenges just as long as there isn’t a cost payable to the well-being of others. How do men measure up to women?

  1. Men let their testosterone rule their brains!
  2. They are cocky, boastful and pain-in-the-ass show-offs.
  3. They have to be the cockiest rooster in the barnyard.
  4. They must build the tallest building and own the largest car collections.
  5. They are Mr. Know-it-all!

I could go on but I think you get the message. Most men probably would disagree with me but I think on a scale of arrogance and intelligence, women are intellectually smarter than men. How did I arrive at this conclusion? Well, I’m not a professor of science nor do I have any scientific proof to back up my statement except to say, women possess a hidden power that even they do not know they have. If women were to unite and support each other, there would be no stopping them. There would be more women in government, more women decision-making bodies and more women leaders throughout the world. Of course, this may be a hard sell to some countries that still do not recognize a woman's full potential or believe in the ideological propensity of women being in power. Look at the state the world is in. Men are making decisions that are upsetting the natural balance of life such as women’s issues, school, education and daycare. These are decisions best left to women. What does a man know about daycare or child-caring? Have they ever given birth to a baby? Where are the women?

Some men like to think they are He-Man and Masters of the Universe.  We need some level of sanity in our governments and I don't mean just the country in which I dwelled but countries throughout the world. If women were to take off those bras and burn them, they could change the world! Men don't realize this but they are in power not because they are smarter than women but because women put them there. Even though women have the power to give men a swift kick in the pants, something is restricting them. Something so powerful, it's even more powerful than power itself. FEMININITY! Women like to feel like women. They like to feel beautiful. A woman likes to feel her place is beside their man...supporting him! Women can also be vain, dependent and complicated. Tammy Wynette told women to stand by their men. They took her advice! Not only is she standing by her man, but she's also standing behind him. I got this quote from a Nigerian movie,"allow the man to carry on with his ego. You get the best from a man simply by being the woman." (2:05:00) But women, don't you think it's time you take your rightful place in line?

Who's that imposter in the White House masquerading as America's 45th president? I can’t say the name. That name just doesn't go well with the word President for me. Sorry! To know whom I’m talking about you will have to Google America’s 45th president. The word President is a word that signifies integrity and decency. How did he get there? WOMEN! Women have the vote. They have the power but they don’t know how to use it! They have the power to elect the good, the bad and the ugly! Please, ladies, next time the opportunity presents itself, elect the pretty!