Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board (Up-to-Date)

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To my visitors: My website carrier has recently switched over to a new platform. Because of this change, you may notice some items on the site are no longer available. This is due in part because I am also making some changes. I have taken down some older pages dating back five years. I will be posting new materials soon. I will keep you posted.

An example of some changes to come: My former website carrier was Simpleste.com. Simpesite has now merged with One.com. Just to give you an example of the changes to expect. In the previous platform, the page is centred on the screen. In the new platform, the page can either be Full Width or by Default. The Default page does not cover the entire screen but it is still wider than the previous one. As you can see, The Full Width completely covers the entire screen which is what I like. I've also changed the title of this page from Crazy Pots to Beautiful Pots.

Three Collections:

I have completed three collections. No date for publication as yet. (Posted January 13th, 2023).