Royal Collections


(Royal Crowns of Africa & Europe)

Here’s another of my collections, the Royal crowns of Africa and Europe. I hope you’ll enjoy this collection as you did the previous ones.

I can’t say with certainty if this will be my final collection in this series. I never knew where my imagination is taking me. What is certain is, I love to push the boundaries. As I get an idea I love to run with it. I feel like a marathon runner. I feel especially challenged I am not working with any special Graphic Design Software. Just Microsoft’s Windows 10 tools.    

If you have the desire of becoming a Graphic Designer don’t let the thought of expensive training intimidate you. As with anything else, sometimes we already have the tools at our disposal that we needed to get started. I am interested in Graphic Designing. Every school I've contacted was beyond my budget. Did I let it stop me? No! I said to myself, “this is what I have and this is what I am going to work with.” With plenty of trials and errors, I made Microsoft tolls work for me.

All the graphics on this site were created using Microsoft Windows 10 tools. If you own a computer and you are interested in graphic design, you are already on your way to realizing your true potential and without spending a single dime! Understand too that Microsoft tools are limited. It does not allow me to do other detailed work like portraits, sceneries and such. However, every day I am learning and discovering new ways of implementing these tools.

Let me introduce you to the Royal Collections showcasing the Royal crowns of Africa and Europe.