I Could Live Here

I Could Live Here: Hello and hi again, everyone. It’s been a while since my last publication. No! I haven’t forgotten you. I’ve been working on this new collection plus other things. I called this collection,  “I Could Live Here.” Come with me and I will give you a guided tour of my latest. First, I would like to thank you for your continued interest in my work. I’ve been averaging over eighteen hundred visits per-week thanks to you. I’m not sure if that is a great number compared to other sites but any number is great. When I first launched my site in 2017, my first week’s number of visitors was 71. The following week I received 37 visits. Most recently, on August 25, 2022, the number of visits surpasses my expectation at 2609. It is my largest thus far.

As you will see in this collection, the concepts are basically the same as previous designs but with a more upscale look. I took a risk. I hope you will approve. I would like to think these are my best designs but they are like my children. You love all your children equally. Still, I can’t help but feel biased.

The house above is by Arden Homes