

Hello again, everyone. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday with your families and friends. As for me, I marked the occasion by working on my newest collection, DIVA DEN! This new collection is based on the ever-so-popular Glam Girls collection in the PRINCESS series.

Due to the overwhelming responses I have received from Glam Girls, I wanted to share with you a follow-up collection – DIVA DEN. Diva Den, of course, is the answer to MAN CAVE! You may recall Man Cave one & two I did in my earlier collections, Dream Lovers & Classic Collection. Again, I have chosen to use the round bed as my design of choice. By now that little voice in your head is asking, “why rounds beds?”  Well, it’s simple. I love it! I hope you don’t mind me repeating myself. No! I will not have this become a new normal. I just like to express myself in my art and try to connect with people.

The most challenging of any design is laying down the first graphic image or the groundwork. With that in place, the rest is easy. All I had to do is use one design as a template for all the rest. With a little imagination, I just change the colours, fabrics and styles to go with any theme. But I digress. It is not as easy as it sounds. Sometimes when I’m designing I would try to fix a problem but suffered defeat in another area. It’s often a game of trial and error and giving up is never my strong suit. I learn to adapt to my mistakes. The ability to adapt to any situation is the acid test of human nature.  Anyway, this is my story and it’s essential to me. Maybe you have a story of your own.

I never thought of myself as a graduate. GRADUATE sounds like a completion. I am always a student at my craft. I feel motivated to take this humble approach but this is just an extension of me. This attitude sort of impacted my life in a healthy, positive way. I am still learning. Each time I do one of my designs I feel I’ve improved from the previous one. So I am never afraid to repeat myself. Repetitions are not bad. That is how you become better at your craft.  It’s interesting. As the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.” I would like to point out however because I am working with Microsoft tools, I am very limited as to how much I can invest in these creations. It becomes challenging at times. Sometimes I spend hours on a design then have to scrap the whole deal because it just isn’t working. Yes! These designs do fight back! It’s like a mind game. It’s like having a mind of their own and they are trying to communicate with me on how they want to look on the page so I just had to go with the punches.

In this collection, I will show you two different interior layouts or styles in each Diva Den. First, I will show you what the den looks like with the drapes drawn. The drawn drapes cordon off the bedroom from the dressing area in the back which gives the Diva her privacy. With the drapes pulled back, this opens up the entire room which reveals the dressing room area in the back. I’ve also designed four tinted sliding glass doors, two on either side of the room which can easily close off the dressing room from the bedroom. I’m not sure how much I like them or if I even need them but I’ve decided to install them as special effects. I wish it was possible for you to manipulate these doors on your device just to see them in action but I think you get the idea. I like trying different things. I never try to be perfect. Besides, I don’t think there is any such thing as perfection when it comes to art. You just want to stay locked in. Sometimes being sloppy is even better. It makes your work look more natural and real. I am still experimenting...still learning. If you are like me, always be open to switching up your technique to fit your style. Let’s see if the Divas are in.

Please let me know in the comment box below which Diva Den is your favourite or isn’t your favourite. Thank you and thanks again for your continued support. Don't forget. There are two pages of Dens.