
(Their Royal Majesties, EBONY, GOLD & IVORY.)


I would like to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to all of you for visiting my website. I strive to make your visits an enjoyable one by constantly updating and adding new content whenever possible

Unlike in my previous bed designs which were more art-oriented, these new designs are geared mostly towards a professional theme. I grew increasingly fascinated and inspired for designing beds having worked in a bed manufacturing plant for more than nineteen years. I am not a professional designer by any means. I just love designing things and love pushing the boundaries as far as Microsoft Windows 10 Tools will take me. Gathering from my experience working for a bed manufacturer, I have learnt what it takes and what goes into making that perfect bed that will make sleeping much more relaxing, pleasurable and comfortable on a beautiful firm comfort mattress.

My fascination for round beds is due in part I own one. However, owning a round bed wasn’t what triggered my interest initially. The first time a saw a round bed was in the 1966 movie, “Murderers’ Row” starring Dean Martin. I never knew they made beds like that!

In setting up your bed you need to start with the base. This I don’t need to tell you but I would like to say it anyway. The bed sits comfortably off the floor with that nice high-rise feel. Your box spring is next then the mattress.

Notice the detailed stitching around the borders of the mattress. Both mattress and box spring are designed to complement each other. In some cases, I used the same fabric as the mattress borders for the box spring. In other cases, I mixed it up by using a different but similar solid colour to give it that rich inviting contrast. I find this works really well and at the same time, keeping in tune with that professional theme. It not only adds more depth to the design but it makes it more interesting with that professional look in a unique way and soft to the touch.

Though it is physically impossible to touch these beds you can’t help but feel that connection and that imaginary gravity pulling you in. You can almost feel the softness and warmth that engages your body when lying on one. But I digress. I hope you will enjoy this new collection as I did putting it together for you. I will be forever grateful for your support.



How could I have forgotten? The Headboard! A bed without a headboard is like a woman going to church on Sunday without her hat. A bedroom set is never complete without a stunningly looking headboard. Unless of course, you are one of those persons who think it’s more practical to push your bed up against the wall. While this may save you time and money you are missing out on the real fun! The envy of your sister-in-law when she comes over to visit, with her noisy brats.

A headboard plays an essential role in the dressing up of your bedroom. While it may not be practical in the designing of the bed itself, it helps in protecting the wall while at the same time gives your bedroom that personal touch. Eat your heart out sister-in-law!


I will never understand why anyone would purchase a one-sided bed. Personally, I don’t like Comfort Top mattresses. I like a matter with two sides. This way I can flip it over and use the other side. With a one-sided mattress, like a Comfort Top, you have no other recourse should something spill on it or should it get damaged. Owning a two-sided mattress gives you the flexibility to flip it over and use the other side. Plus it has a much longer life span. You not only get to enjoy your bed much longer but it saves you money in the long run. Comfort Top Beds are very beautiful but they are best admired in a showroom. Some of them are very expensive and are hardest to maintain since only one side is carrying the entire burden. But who are we to argue with the customers? If they like them then we give them what they want. The customers are always right!